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无家者:从未想过我有这么一天(有声书) 8.4万



15道温暖的声音 15篇动人的故事! 金马导演、金马演员、金奖纪录片导演 金曲金马音乐人、新生代实力派女星 书展大奖得主、重量级配音员 为您朗读书展首奖作品 走进无家者路转峰迴的生命境遇! 【听故事,做公益】 本书版税将回馈给「台湾芒草心慈善协会」,协助无家者自立 【跨领域公益献声】 李玟萱、黄信尧、林生祥、陈竹昇、庄益增、雷婕熙 王瑞芹、贾培德、邱展文、郭荣昇、谢一帆、叶玿伶 张皓为、许伯琴、吕绍纶、张献忠 【内容简介】 一个人,为什么会变得无家可归? 十位无家者的真实故事,五位资深社工的真情告白 他,曾经是西进中国的台商 他,曾经是野鸡车大亨 他,曾经是工厂作业员 他,曾经是家暴受害者 每一个街头的他,都有一段故事 在大城市裡,街友常常是一群不被看见的人 许多人路过他们身边,却很少人靠近他们的世界 他们在街头暗角得不到肯认,很多时候更被当成过街老鼠 但他们绝对不是街头鼠辈,而跟你我一样,有着有血有泪的真实人生。 本书记录了台湾街友的生命故事 他们来自各行各业,各有不同背景 他们曾是军人、商人、工人、保全、更生人、帮派分子、身心障碍者 却都在时代流转、社会变迁与个人困境的交织下,成了流浪街头的人 不试图控诉、不博取同情、也不採取励志的角度 作者以平实的口吻描述每个人从「有家」到「无家」的过程 呈现他们在街头的挣扎、反省、自我怀疑,什至想自我了断的心情 透过这些故事,读者将看见台湾街头社会中 既存在弱肉强食的丛林法则,也有着贫困者相互扶持的集体力量 【获奖纪录】 ◎2018台北国际书展大奖「非小说类首奖」 ◎第41届金鼎奖图书类个人奖「图书编辑奖」 ◎第41届金鼎奖非文学图书类「优良出版品推荐」 In every large city, the homeless are a group of people who are often ignored by the average city dwellers. Many people would simply pass by and seldom spend time talking to them while trying to understand their world. No one cares about where they came from, or where their destinations will be in their walk of life. In order to arouse the general public’s awareness of their lives, the Homeless Taiwan Association (a charity organization aimed to help the homeless) had planned to publish a book with Lee Win-Shine (whose interest is in the social welfare of the disadvantaged). Through Lee’s interviews with the people, the book documents the chronicles of ten Taiwanese homeless of various backgrounds: including former military soldiers, businessmen and merchants, blue collar workers, convicts, gang members, and the disabled people. Each story brings to life their journey from “home” to “homeless,” by providing insights into their past, their present daily life on the streets as a homeless person, and what their outlooks and hopes are for the future. The book also contains accounts from five social care workers who have been working with the homeless, sharing their experiences and observation of the homeless, and how they view the homeless situation in large cities. Through their accounts, the reader sees how these workers have made every effort to make a home for the homeless, and what impact their work with the homeless has had on them. Through the stories told by the homeless, and the social care workers, the reader will begin to appreciate and comprehend the causes and reasons for the homeless in Taiwan and help provide a better understanding of how social structure and social changes have affected each and every one of us. Only when we start to take off our tinted glasses and open our minds to understand and listen, can we begin to slowly embark on a path of change to address the problem.

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