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Be a positive thinker

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  • 千幻梦 2021-05-04 09:14:24

    The capacity for hard work and being able to handle unique responsibilities will always set you apart. 能够努力奋斗,能够承担独特的责任,那么你就能一直与众不同。 Set yourself apart, now. The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. 从现在开始,就要让自己与众不同。压力当前,能够控制好自己的思绪,这就是最好的武器。要让自己的头脑里装满积极的想法。 The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves what in most people's minds is impossible. 积极思考的人,能看见隐性的东西,能够感受到无形的东西,能够做到大多数人认为不可能实现的事。 Paulo Coelho said, life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by having nothing happen at all, or by having everything happen all at once. Paulo Coelho说过,生活有很多种考验人的意志的方式,要么是让什么都不发生,要么是让所有的事情都同时发生。 What is happening now around the world is testing our will. It is testing your will. Make this situation count for something. Train your mind to see the good in everything. 在世界范围内,此时正在发生的事情,正在考验我们的意志,正在考验你的意志。让这样的现实变得有意义吧。去训练你的心智,无论发生什么事,都要看到好的一面。 Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. 积极向上,是一种选择。你的生活是否幸福,取决于你思想的质量。 I also need you to remember this. We touch other people's lives simply by living, so live with love and kindness in your heart. Choosing to live a life of selfishness over selflessness brings with it its own horrors. The unkind at heart are often less imaginative and more afraid. 我也要让你记住这一点。我们活在这个世界上,就已经是在影响他人的生命,所以请让你的心中装着爱和善意。如果选择自私,放弃无私的精神,那么生活会变得很可怕。从本质上讲,不善良的人,他们缺乏想象力,并且终日活在恐惧中。 Furthermore, those who choose not to be kind enable real monsters, the monsters of hate, poverty, suffering and man's inhumanity to man. Do not live that way. 另外,那些不善良的人,会助长怨恨、贫困、苦难、残暴。不要像他们一样。 Choose instead to be kind and empathetic. These are what create happiness and progress. 请选择善良,选择同情,这才能创造幸福和进步。 I'm reminded of a quote from Barbara DeAngelis, where she said, love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver. 我想起了Barbara DeAngelis的一句话,她说,爱和善良,从来都不会被浪费,它们总会起作用。它们给那些得到者带去祝福,也保佑着施与者。 That's a remarkable statement, and has been proven true over and over again. It has expressed hope and difficult times in the past. And today with all that is happening around the world, it expresses hope yet again. 这句话很棒,事实一次次证明它真的有道理。在以前的艰苦时期里,它说出了人们心中的希望。在如今纷繁复杂的世界里,它依然向周围传达着希望。 If you choose to influence people today, and enjoy every moment of it as you do, you will go on to influence numerous people, and you will succeed in changing their realities. 如果你今天选择去影响别人,并且享受整个过程,那么,你将会影响到许多人,并且你能成功改变他们的现状。 Know that we all need inspiration sometimes. We all need fuel. Without the advice, inspiration, and assistance of others, the engine of our mind eventually stops, and we get stuck. 要明白,有时候,我们需要的,仅仅是灵感而已,我们都需要能量。要是没有他人的建议、灵感、帮助,你的大脑就无法运转,像被卡住了一样。 Right now, we all need to live in the moment and inspire everyone around us to be the best version of ourselves, because at the end of the day I need you, just as you need me, to survive. 如今,我们都需要过好当下,鼓励周围的所有人去成为最好的自己,因为,毕竟,要想生存下去,我需要你,你也需要我。 Live in this very moment. 过好当下的这一刻吧。

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