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Be Different With Pride

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  • 千幻梦 2021-05-04 09:13:42

    Emma Stone said, what sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden, but it is not. A lot of the time, it is what makes you great. So never be scared to act differently from the crowd, to speak, to act, because at the end of the day that is what sets you apart from others. Emma Stone曾经说过,让你与众不同的事情,你可能会觉得它是负担,但其实不然。大多数时候,它能让你变得优秀。所以,在言行上,不要害怕与众不同,因为,这才是能够让你和别人拉开差距的东西。 Know also that when you start acting in ways that make you feel better with yourself, and you will attract the people into your life that were made for you, those people who will understand you and your journey and they will help you through it. 你也要知道,当你做的事情让你自我感觉良好时,你才会吸引到对的人,他们会理解你,他们会在你的人生旅途中帮助你。 People of this world may be smarter than you, richer than, you more educated than you are, but I need you to remind yourself that they will not outshine you, because you are going to work and act differently. 这个世界上的人,他们可能比你聪明,比你富有,比你有文化,但是我想让你提醒自己,他们不会掩盖住你的光芒,因为你将会与众不同。 You are going to prepare, put in the work, and you are going to have results that will be different from what is normal, because you shine differently. 你会做好准备,付出努力,你会得到与众不同的结果,因为你的光芒是与众不同的。 They may laugh at you because you are different. You, too, should laugh back at them, because they are all the same. Uncommon people are the people that make the most significant impact. To many people in this world, strive to be perfect, please others, and to fit in. Don't be too many people. Take pride in doing you and being different. 人们可能会嘲笑你,因为你与众不同。那么,你也应该嘲笑他们,因为他们千篇一律。与众不同的人,他们的影响力最大。在这个世界上,对于很多人而言,努力让自己完美,去取悦别人,去融入圈子,这就是他们的追求。不要像他们一样。你要自信地做自己,勇敢地与众不同。 Two kids were asked to carry out a task, but before doing so they were told several before them had tried but failed. The first kid said, well, if many had failed, I can't guarantee mine will be any different, but I shall try. The second kid, however, said I don't care how many have failed before me. They're not me. I'm different from the rest. 有两个孩子接到任务,但是在执行任务之前,有人告诉他们,此前有几个人尝试过,但都失败了。第一个孩子说,好吧,如果以前很多人都失败了,那我无法保证我能成功,但我会努力的。但是,第二个孩子说,我才不在乎之前有多少人失败过,他们又不是我,我和他们不一样。 Call Stole said, success is uncommon, not to be found by the common man. I'm looking for uncommon people. Be different. Most people exist, and that is all. In order to be irreplaceable, one must be different. Society celebrates mediocrity so much that it doesn't take much to set yourself above the rest. Call Stole说过,成功是与众不同的,普通人找不到它,我要找的是与众不同的人。勇敢地与众不同吧!大多数人只是苟且生存,仅此而已。为了让自己无可替代,我们必须与众不同。这个社会总是在推崇平庸,所以如果你要想与众不同,其实这很简单。 Doing that one thing differently and regularly will put you way above the rest. A big reason why people don't dare to do something different is that they care what others are going to think. No one cares, and even if they do say something, why should you care? If you are happy, and what does it matter to anyone else? 坚持地做一件与众不同的事情,就会让你超越别人。对于很多人而言,他们不敢做与众不同的事,是因为他们在乎别人的想法。其实,没有人在乎。就算有人对你评头论足,你又何必在乎?如果你自己很快乐,这是你自己的事情,跟别人有什么关系? If you find fulfilment by what you do or who you are, then what others think about you doesn't matter. Break free of dogma. Say to yourself, I know that I have an abundance of potential within me, and I will bring it out to fruition. Why? Because I'm different. 如果你认同你做的事情,认同你自己,那么,别人对你的看法就一点都不重要。不要被常规限制住。对自己说,我知道,我有丰富的潜能,我会充分发挥它们,让它们为我带来收获。为什么?因为我与众不同。 Do different. Stay different. Continue to be different with pride. Be different and stay strong. Make each day your masterpiece. Dare to be different. The world is full of the ordinary. 做与众不同的事,保持与众不同,自豪地与众不同。做到与众不同,并且让自己强大。让你的每天都过出极致。勇敢地与众不同。这个世界上,平庸之辈太多了。

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