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外研社新标准初中英语九年级 2.1万

外研社新标准初中英语九年级上册:Unit1 Learning English 1

精彩评论 (4)
  • 账号已注销 2021-06-20 10:15:21

    Module 4 ENGLISH: AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE UINT 1 When I left China,I spoke English poorly. ——1 Listen and read. Then say. Everyone,this is Sarah Chen.She was in England last summer.Today, she is here to talk to us about learning English in England. ——Good morning, everybody.I went to summer school in England for one month last year.When I left China,I spoke English poorly.I stayed with an English family while I was in England.They were very nice and they helped me a lot.My English was much better when I returned. ——Sarah,how did you improve your English in England? ——I took notes while I was at school during the day.I used English all day because I spoke it at school.I practiced English at night as well. ——Were there Chinese students at your school? ——Yes. It was nice to talk about our families and China.I spoke Chinese to them, of course! ——When did you come back to China? ——I arrived home in August. ——Miss Wang,do we have to go to England to improve our English?No, you don't.You can try to speak English during English lessons here.You can also read English newspapers and watch English TV.You can get a lot of practice in China.

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