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快乐学英语 4.8万


精彩评论 (2)
  • 张婷 2024-03-12 11:55:38


  • 不经意的魔羊 2023-11-04 23:59:21

    5 little Speckled Frogs 五只带班纹的小青蛙 One two three four five 1 2 3 4 5 Five little speckled frogs 五只带班纹的小青蛙 Sat on a speckled log 坐在一根带斑纹的木头上 Eating some most delicious bugs - yum, yum! 吃着最美味的虫子-好香,好香! One jumped into the pool 一只跳到了池塘里 Where it was nice and cool 那里又舒服又凉快 Now there were FOUR speckled frogs-glug,glug! 现在剩下四只带斑纹的小青蛙-呱呱! One two three four 1 2 3 4 Four little speckled frogs 四只带班纹的小青蛙 Sat on a speckled log 坐在一根带斑纹的木头上 Eating some most delicious bugs - yum, yum! 吃着最美味的虫子-好香,好香! One jumped into the pool 一只跳到了池塘里 Where it was nice and cool 那里又舒服又凉快 Now there were THREE speckled frogs-glug,glug! 现在剩下三只带斑纹的小青蛙-呱呱! One two three 1 2 3 Three little speckled frogs 三只带班纹的小青蛙 Sat on a speckled log 坐在一根带斑纹的木头上 Eating some most delicious bugs - yum, yum! 吃着最美味的虫子-好香,好香! One jumped into the pool 一只跳到了池塘里 Where it was nice and cool 那里又舒服又凉快 Now there were TWO speckled frogs-glug,glug! 现在剩下两只带斑纹的小青蛙-呱呱! One two 1 2 Two little speckled frogs 两只带班纹的小青蛙 Sat on a speckled log 坐在一根带斑纹的木头上 Eating some most delicious bugs - yum, yum! 吃着最美味的虫子-好香,好香! One jumped into the pool 一只跳到了池塘里 Where it was nice and cool 那里又舒服又凉快 Now there were ONE speckled frogs-glug,glug! 现在剩下三只带斑纹的小青蛙-呱呱! One 1 One little speckled frogs 一只带班纹的小青蛙 Sat on a speckled log 坐在一根带斑纹的木头上 Eating some most delicious bugs - yum, yum! 吃着最美味的虫子-好香,好香! One jumped into the pool 一只跳到了池塘里 Where it was nice and cool 那里又舒服又凉快 Now there were NO speckled frogs-glug,glug! 现在没有带斑纹的小青蛙了-呱呱!

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