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英语美文朗读 7630


精彩评论 (1)
  • 南风 2020-06-21 14:38:50

    Each new day 当晨光出现 Truly madly don't you know 真的,要疯了,你不知道 I hardly sleep anymore 我再也难以入眠 Again it's after four 再一次,在四次之后 I go slightly crazy nightly 疯狂的夜晚,我轻轻地 Thinking of how to win your love 想着如何能赢得你的爱 But the best I can do is dream of you 但我所能做的最好的事,是梦到你 If only sleep would come 若只有在睡梦时你才会来 Then I could hold you near 然后,我就可以在近处拥抱你 Until you disappear in the morning light 直到你消失在晨曦之中 At least you were mine for the night 至少在夜里,你是我的 There's no other underneath my cover 我隐藏的防护之下没有别的 But thoughts of you keep me warm 但想念你让我变得温暖 The whole night through 一整夜过去了 And even if there really is no place 即使真的没有任何地方 Where dreams come true 能让梦想变成现实 My heart is still with you 我的心仍然与你同在 But it's through star dust I imagine us 透过弥漫的星尘我猜想着我们的结局 If only sleep would find me 若只有在睡梦时才能找到我 I could hold you near 我就可以在近处拥抱你 Until you disappear when 直到你消失,当 Each new day comes 每个新的一天到来 To take you away 晨曦便会带走你 I could hold you near 我就可以在近处拥抱你 Until you disappear when 直到你消失,当 Each new day comes 每个新的一天到来 To take you away 晨曦便会带走你 Each new day comes 每个新的一天到来

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