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世界名人英文演讲-Decide to enjoy the present

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  • 千幻梦 2021-05-05 08:26:59

    We are living a life where we think too much about the future, and forget enjoying the present. 我们现在的活法,就是对未来有太多顾虑,却忘了享受当下的美好。 Life is complex, challenging and beyond anyone's total control. The humility to know this will enable you to survive its vicissitudes. 人生很复杂,充满挑战,没有人能控制得了。如果足够谦虚,认清这个事实,那么,你就能顺利度过人生的坎坷。 The present global situation may seem scary, but this does not mean you can't have your dream and live it. Ask yourself, if not now, when? 目前来看,全球形势貌似很严峻,但是,这并不意味着你不能拥有梦想,不能实现梦想。问问你自己,如果现在不去做,又要等到什么时候呢? George Bernard Shaw said, don't wait for the right opportunity. Create it. 乔治·萧伯纳曾经说过,不要等待机遇,而要创造机遇。 Don't get caught up in the uncertainty of tomorrow. Live and work today like you have your tomorrow already, and you'll get it. 明天发生什么,这是不确定的,但不要因此停止脚步。每一个今天,都要好好生活,好好工作,就像明天早已确定一样,你会拥有一个美好的明天。 Live your best life. Give yourself permission to live a fulfilling life, right here, and right now. Step into who you're meant to be. Stop playing small. Stop being afraid of the future. 把生活过出最精彩的样子,允许自己随时随地都过得满足。努力变成自己注定要成为的人。不要小家子气,不要害怕未来。 Yes, step into your highest self and live your best life. 没错,变成最好的自己,活出最精彩的人生。 This is a time to tap into your authentic you. It's not a time to live in fear. 这是让真实的自己绽放光芒的时候,而不是终日活在恐惧中的时候。 Say to the god of fear, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Now is it time to experience your full power, your true magic. 对恐惧说,今天别来烦我,明天也不要来烦我,永远都别想来烦我。现在,是时候体验自己的力量,体验自己的魔力了。 If you were able to believe in Santa Claus for like ten years, then you can believe in yourself for now, for the next few months, and for the years to come. 如果你相信圣诞老人存在,相信了十年之久,那么,你也能从现在开始,相信自己,持续几个月,持续好几年。 Being happy now is the highest level of success, and it will propel you to do great things in time to come. You don't have to wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life. 过得快乐,是成功的最高境界,它能促进你将来做更多了不起的事情。如果你想享受人生,你不需要等到万事俱备才行动。 Things change. People change. Events happen. But you know what? Life goes on. 世事变迁,人会变,每天都有不同的事情发生。但是,你看,生活照样继续。 Diana Ross once said, instead of looking at the past, I put myself ahead twenty years, and try to look at what I need to do now in in order to get there then. Diana Ross曾说过,我不会回顾过去,而是尝试站在20年后来思考现在我需要做什么,这样,在20年后,我就能顺利达成目标。 Live in the moment. Work in the moment. Love in the moment. Enjoy in the moment. It is what you have now. Make the best use of it. 在当下,我们要认真生活,努力工作。在当下,我们要拥抱爱意,享受现在,因为它是你拥有的唯一一个东西,你要充分发挥它的优势。

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