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《宝贝老板》之简单英语 7


精彩评论 (1)
  • 风早爽子 2023-12-05 21:04:39

    1.They still made just enough time for me. 他们还是挤出足够的时间来陪我 2. How would you like to have a baby brother? 你想要个小弟弟吗? 3. Where do babies come from? 宝宝从哪里来? 4. My life would never be the same. 我的生活将截然不同 5.What great adventure lies in wait for you today? 今天又有什么奇妙冒险等着你呢? 6. My parents always said that I had an overactive imagination. 我的父母总说我的想象力太过丰富了 7.The baby was delivered in a taxi. 宝宝是被辆的士载过来的 8.Meet your new baby brother. 见见你新的小弟弟 9.I had a million question. 我有一万个问题 10.Why is he here? 为什么他会在这里

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