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Ask The Right Questions

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  • 千幻梦 2021-05-05 08:21:22

    If you were my client and I was your life coach, I wouldn't tell you what to do with your life. I would ask you a series of questions, so you could bring the answer out from within yourself. 如果你是我的客户,我是你的人生导师,我不会告诉你,你该怎样对待你的人生。我会问你一系列问题,让你自己找到答案。 The answers are always WITHIN YOU. You just have to bring them out, and you bring them out with questions, by first WANTING to KNOW what you want and how you want to feel, and then asking the questions that will give you the answers needed to get to that place. 答案,一直都在你的心里。你只是需要把它们带出来。你想知道自己真正想要什么,你自己希望有什么样的感受,接着你就会问自己,如何才能到达理想的境界,这样你就会引出更多的问题。 If you wanted to self-coach yourself into a life you will LOVE, I would highly recommend this process I am about to share with you. 如果你想磨砺自己,让自己过上你热爱的生活,我强烈推荐你这尝试我接下来要分享给你的做法。 Along with my morning gratitude and meditation routine, I do this very powerful process EVERY MORNING. I simply call it the question asking process. 每天清晨,我会心怀感恩,进行冥想,与此同时,我也会做这件事情,它的力量非常强大。我把它称为问问题的过程。 Because, if you want a great answer, ask a great question. If you want to live a certain way, set the intention for that first thing in the morning. 因为,如果你想得到很棒的答案,那么你就要问很棒的问题。如果你想过上某种生活,那么,每天清晨,就要让自己以那样的生活为目标。 Here's how the process works. You simply get out a pen and a piece of paper, or like me, the notes section in your phone will work fine, just the same. And you start writing or typing freely, whatever comes naturally, questions that will bring about positive actions this day. 这个过程是这样的。你只需要拿出纸和笔,或者像我一样用手机上的记事功能,都可以。你开始自由地写画,打字,所有自然地出现在你脑海中的想法,能够促进你今天积极地去行动的问题,这些都可以记下来。 For example, how can I smile more today? How can I be more present today? How can I be more playful today? How can I show others I appreciate them more today? How can I set an even greater example for my kids today? 比如,今天,我怎样才能笑得多一点?今天,我怎样才能更专注当下?今天,我怎样才能更心怀童趣?今天,我怎样才能让别人更能感受到我的感激?今天,我怎样才能为我的孩子树立更好的榜样? You ask the question. You write it down so it goes deep in your subconscious, and you pause and think about the answer. 你提出这个问题,你把这个问题写下来,这样,它就会扎根在你的潜意识里,你会停下来,思考这个问题。 This process is powerful! It is powerful because it gets you thinking about HOW you want to feel, HOW you want to live this day. It's powerful because it gets you thinking about all the positive things you CAN do to feel better TODAY. 这个过程,对你的影响很大!它的影响力很大,因为它让你去思考,你想有什么样的感受,你想如何度过这一天。它的影响力很大,因为它让你思考,自己能做什么积极的事情,来让自己今天感到更美好。 Do that every day and after a short time you'll have a compound effect which will add up to a magical life. 试着每天都这样做吧!不久之后,你会发现自己有了变化,久而久之,你会拥有美妙的生活。 It's a powerful process because it sets your intention for the day, and makes you more self-aware, more conscious of your actions throughout the day. 它的影响力很大,因为它让你今天有了清晰的目标,让你对自己的认识更清晰,更能意识到今天自己的所有行动。 It guides you in a direction YOU WANT for the day, rather than being at the mercy of life, you are the magician, the attractor, the director of your own life. 它会引导你,让你朝着自己想要的东西走去,而不是让你任由生活摆布。你拥有魔法,你魅力无限,你主导自己的人生。 I really encourage you to try it for 30 days and see if it works for you. See if it makes you feel better, make better choices, make choices that make you feel better, happier about yourself and your life. 我非常鼓励你去尝试这个方法,坚持三十天,看看它对你是否有用,是否让你感到更美好,是否让你做出更好的决定,是否让你做出令自己和自己的人生更幸福、更快乐的决定。 The key is to ask questions that are not material or possession related. Don't ask, how can I get more money today? Ask, instead, what can I learn today that will put me in a better financial position in the future? 关键在于,我们问的问题,不要跟物质或者财富有关。不要问,我怎样才能搞到更多钱?而是问,今天,我可以学到什么东西,来让自己以后的经济状况更好? Don't ask, how can I find a husband (or wife) today? Ask instead, how can I be more like the person I would love to attract today? 不要问,今天我怎么才能找到合心意的丈夫或妻子?而是问,我怎么才能变得更像我想要吸引的那个人? Your questions should be centered around GROWTH and FEELING, how you want to grow and develop, and how you want to feel. 你的问题,应该以个人成长和个人感受为中心,围绕着自己想如何成长和进步,围绕着自己想要的感受。 Have fun with it, ask many questions, many different questions every day, and keep them on your mind all day. You'll notice you start seeking out those answers all day, consciously trying to be that person, and feel those feelings from your questions. 把这当作一件好玩的事,多问问题,每天都问不同的问题,让自己一整天都思考这些问题。你会发现,你开始整天都在寻找这些问题的答案,有意识地尝试成为理想中的自己,尝试体验那些你在问题中提及到的感受。 Ask a great question and you might just get some magical answers. 问一个好问题,你可能会收获奇妙的答案。

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