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世界名人英文演讲-Dare To Be Different

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  • 千幻梦 2021-05-05 08:25:26

    Every morning when your eyes open and your feet hit the ground, know that you have another chance to be different, a chance to change, to recreate, and to be better. 每天早上醒来时,你要知道,你有机会变得与众不同,你有机会去改变,去创造,去变得更优秀。 Every morning, know that you have the opportunity to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday. 每天早上,你都要明白,你有机会变成比昨天更优秀的自己。 Norman Vincent Peale said, if you want things to be different, perhaps the answer is to become different yourself. Being different means not being afraid to challenge the norm, being willing to take a chance, asking why, making your own track, and not just following the well-trodden path, charting your own course and destiny, being the person that you were meant to be. Norman Vincent Peale说过,如果你想改变世界,那么,答案也许就是,你要改变自己。与众不同,意味着你不害怕去挑战传统,你愿意去冒险,去质疑,去开拓自己的道路,而不是走别人走过的路。你愿意去描绘你自己的蓝图和人生,去成为你自己想成为的人。 Everyone is born unique, but through the years we work very hard to be like everyone else. We conform to society's so-called common sense. Unfortunately, it is just that. Common sense, that does not mean it's good sense. There's nothing wrong with being different. As a matter of fact, it shows just how strong you are, because it means you are brave enough to be yourself. 刚生下来时,每个人都是独特的,但是,很多年后,我们却努力去变得跟所有人一样。我们遵守所谓的社会常规。不幸的是,社会常规没什么意义,它并不一定是对的。与众不同,这没什么不对。实际上,敢于与众不同,这证明了你足够强大,因为你勇敢地去做自己。 Be different. Who did you notice more? Was it the person who did the same thing everyone else was doing? Was it the person who got up every morning and followed the routine of the rent race? Or was it the person who broke out from the norm and did things differently? 让自己与众不同吧。你会注意到什么样的人?那种别人做什么就跟着做什么的人?那种每天都遵循常规的人?还是那种打破常规的与众不同的人? Don't be afraid of being different. Be afraid of being the same as everyone else. Except that you are unique and different and that you do not conform to the dogma of this world, learn to shine differently. No one achieved great things by being normal, and this applies to school, work, your relationships, and your friendships. 不要害怕与众不同。而是要害怕自己和别人都一样。你要敢于与众不同,不要遵循这个世界的常规,你还要敢于让自己绽放与众不同的光芒。遵循常规的人,无法成大事,在学业上,工作上,感情中,友谊中,都是如此。 From today, tell yourself, I have everything I need within myself. The only approval I'll ever need is mine. I choose to stop apologizing for being me. I have the power to change my world. 从今天开始,告诉自己,我需要的东西,我都已经拥有了。我只需要得到自己的认可。我坦荡做自己,我不再因此感到难堪。我有力量去改变我的世界。 Now I must warn you that when you make a decision to be different, it won’t all be rosy, you would lose some friends. Many will not go on this journey of acting out the norm with you. Some will reprimand you and drain you. But that's fine, because not everyone is supposed to walk with you through this journey called life. 现在,我必须提醒你,如果你决定让自己与众不同,事情不会一帆风顺。你会失去一些朋友,他们中的很多人,跟你不是志同道合的,他们不会和你一起选择与众不同。有些人会谴责你,消耗你的能量,但是没关系,因为在人生旅途上,并不是每个人都要陪你走完全程。 In everything you do, it's important that you surround yourself with the right kind of friendship. Things are never quite as scary when you have real friends. And setting yourself apart attracts that kind of friendship. Those friends who make your problems their problems, just so you don't have to go through them alone. 无论做什么事,你都要多跟真正的朋友待在一起。如果你拥有真朋友,那么,很多事情并不是那么可怕。让自己与常人不同,会让你吸引这样的朋友。这些朋友会把你的事当作他们自己的事,所以就算经历困难,你也不是一个人在战斗。

  • 别烦 2020-12-17 15:18:02


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