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英语儿歌 Baby Bumblebee

精彩评论 (2)
  • Moment� 2022-03-20 17:37:50

    I’m bringing home~a baby bumblebee. 我将带一只大黄蜂宝宝回家。 (Cup hands together as if holding bee) Won’(t) my mommy be so proud~of me? 我妈妈肯定会为我骄傲。 I'm bringing home~a baby bumblebee. 我带一只大黄蜂宝宝回家。 Ouch! I(t) stung me! 哎呦!它叮了我! (Shake hands as if just stung) I’m squishing~up the baby bumblebee. 我压扁这只大黄蜂宝宝。 ('Squish' bee between palms of hands) Won’(t) my mommy be so proud~of me? 我妈妈肯定会为我骄傲。 I’m squishing~up the baby bumblebee. 我压扁这只大黄蜂宝宝。 Oh! It’s Yucky! 噢!好恶心啊! (Open up hands to look at 'mess') I’m wiping~off the baby bumblebee. 我把大黄蜂宝宝清理掉。 (Wipe hands off on shirt) Won’(t) my mommy be so proud~of me? 我妈妈肯定会为我骄傲。 I’m wiping~off the baby bumblebee. 我把大黄蜂宝宝清理掉。 Now my mommy won’(t) be mad~a(t) me. 现在妈妈不生我的气啦! (Hold hands up to show they are clean) 最后还可以来一句See mommy,I'm all clean.

  • 风吹麦浪 2021-11-13 09:50:27



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