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Embrace who you are - Tyrone Stokes

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  • RURU 2022-03-15 19:44:45


  • 千幻梦 2021-05-05 08:29:21

    The truth is, you will never win in life by being someone you are not. You cannot, EVER, live the life of your dreams by settling for someone else's idea of what you should be doing with your life. 事实上,如果你想成为的人不是你自己,那么你就无法取得成功。如果,你按照别人对你的看法来活着,那么,你就永远不会活出自己梦想中的样子。 You will never, EVER, be happy, if you change who you are to fit in with others. Until you accept, and embrace who you are, you are destined to live a life at only a mere fraction of your potential. 如果你为了迎合他人而改变自己,那么,你永远不会快乐,你注定只能发挥自己的一小部分潜能,除非你发自内心地接受你自己、拥抱你自己。 It is simply impossible to be genuinely happy, when you are not genuinely yourself. You must be yourself if you want to experience your true purpose in life. 如果你活得不真实,那么,你不可能获得真正的快乐。如果你想追求真正的人生目标,那么你首先要成为你自己。 If you're different, BE DIFFERENT. Be different and DO IT WITH PRIDE. If someone doesn't like it, if many people don't like it, who cares? Those aren't the people for you. There is BETTER. The RIGHT people will show up when the REAL YOU comes out. 如果你与众不同,那就与众不同吧。与众不同,并对此感到骄傲。如果有个人不喜欢你这样,如果很多人都不喜欢你这样,又何必在意呢?他们注定与你无缘,有更好的人在等着你。当你活出了真正的自己,和你志同道合的人就会出现。 There will always be someone prettier. There will always be someone smarter, stronger, richer, younger. But there will never be another you. 长得比你好看的人,有很多。比你聪明、比你强壮、比你富有、比你年轻的人,都有很多。但是,你,是独一无二的。 Kurt Cobain once said, I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not. The truth is, you will never be hated by the RIGHT people for being REAL. Being REAL, being yourself is the greatest filter you could ever use. It instantly filters out all the people that don't belong with you. And at the same time, it reveals those who do. Kurt Cobain曾经说过,我宁愿活出真实的自己而被别人讨厌,也不愿意活得虚伪而讨人喜欢。事实上,真正和你有缘的人,不会因为你太真实而讨厌你。真实地做自己,这是最好的过滤器。它不停地过滤掉那些和你无缘的人,并且让你看到哪些人与你有缘。 Bob Marley said, the problem is people are being hated when they are real and loved when they are fake. It's true, but what is missed here is one very important fact. The people that are hating people being real are fake people. And the people that are loving fake people are the same fake people. Bob Marley曾说,问题在于,人们展现最真实的自我时,会被憎恨,而他们戴上虚伪的面具时,却会被喜爱。没错,但是,人们忘了一个很重要的事实,那就是,讨厌别人真实的人,他们自己就是虚伪的人。喜欢别人虚伪的人,也同样是这些虚伪的人。 REAL recognizes REAL. REAL recognizes FAKE. So, who do you want to attract? FAKE people, or REAL people? Be yourself, and I promise you, eventually you will attract the right people. 真实的人,欣赏真实。虚伪的人,偏爱虚伪。那么,你想吸引什么样的人?虚伪的人,还是真实的人?做你自己吧。我保证,你最终会吸引到对的人。 Be yourself. No matter what has happened to you, no matter who has hurt you, no matter what you believe, be yourself and be kind to others. If you do that, LIFE will turn out far greater than you ever thought possible. If you don't, life will be painful, because living a life with a mask on, you can't see. Living a life trying to fit in, you will never. 做你自己,无论发生了什么,无论谁伤害了你,无论你的信仰是什么,都要真实地做自己,对别人善良。如果你能这样做,生活会比你想象的更精彩。如果你不这样做,生活就会很痛苦,因为,如果你戴着面具生活,你就什么都看不清。如果你很努力地融入某个圈子,那你永远也无法成为他们的一份子。 Living a life trying to be someone else, so other people will like you, you might fit in on the outside, but inside you'll never be complete. You'll never be happy. 如果你活着只是为了努力变成别人的样子,想让别人喜欢你,那么,从表面上看,你好像确实融入了,但是,事实上,你的内心永远不会完满,你永远不会快乐。

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