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The Muffin Man 英文儿歌大全 | 多版本英文儿歌专辑 46

The Muffin Man 英文儿歌大全 | 多版本英文儿歌专辑


《The Muffin Man 英文儿歌大全》来啦~经典童年歌曲智慧改编,亲子共听共赏欢乐多~ The Muffin Man is a traditional nursery rhyme or children’s song from England. It has been popular for generations and is often used to entertain and teach young children. The lyrics are simple and repetitive, making it easy for young children to sing along. The concept is that the singer asks if the listener knows the Muffin Man who lives on Drury Lane and then confirms that they do.

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